Watami x AEON Dining Promotion

A dining promotion on set menu has launched in both Watami and KYO WATAMI restaurants. By using AEON credit card to pay the bills, you can enjoy up to $100 discount on the relevant dinner sets. Also, by registering a proper transaction using the AEON HK app, a $20 credit rebate would be earned.

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Promotion details :

Promotion Period : 13 Sep 2018 - 21 Nov 2018

Spend with Aeon card, you will enjoy:

Offer 1.1 : $100 off for “Recommanded Set for 4 diners“ or “Deluxe Set for 4 diners“ at Watami ; $50 off for “Recommanded Set for 2 diners“ or “Deluxe Set for 2 diners“ at Watami

Offer 1.2 : $50 off for “Special Set for 2“ or “Deluxe Set for 2“ at KYO WATAMI

Offer 2 : Earn $20 credit rebate upon any spending in Watami and KYO WATAMI

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